Monday, September 30, 2019

The Statue of David by Michelangelo-A Masterpiece

The Renaissance was a European phenomenon in the world of art and letters, which was found operative at the beginning of the 16th century all over Europe. It was a sort of the revival of learning-a New Learning-and a renewed interest in art and letters. It had a venerable attachment to the golden literary and artistic past of classical antiquity and an enthusiastic fondness for creative, imaginative and emotive freshness. It had a tremendous impact on the European mind and quickened its liberation from medieval dogmatism and feudal tyranny.The Renaissance brought bout the liberation of human thoughts and feelings and opened a wide vista of emotional freedom, imaginative flights and philosophical speculations in the sphere of art and literature. The statue of David, made by Michelangelo between 1501 and 1504, is a masterpiece of the Renaissance art. It is a seventeen feet tall sculpture of the biblical hero David, which was a favored subject in the art of Florence. In 1501, Florence h ad Just become independent from the Medici rule.This statue was commissioned by the Florentine council to be a gigantic model of heroic youth which could seem to protect Florence from the aggressors. The statue of David was one of the first structures of the male nude. The statue of David was built out of a block of smooth marble purchased from the famous quarries in Cascara. It was initially commissioned to Stagnation did Disco in 1466. He did not manage to work too much on it, and the contract was later terminated.Ten years after this, Antonio Reselling started working on it, but the contract was terminated again as no real progress was being made. The block thus lay exposed to the elements for twenty years before Michelangelo started working on it. Although he was not very happy at having to work on a block of second-hand marble, the contract with the Guild of Wool Merchants of Florence mentioned that the block intended was â€Å"badly roughened out†, stating that the bloc k was too valuable a commodity to waste. The statue was intended to be placed on the top of the Florence Cathedral.However, when it was finished, the beauty of the sculpture and its weight ruled out placing it at the top of the cathedral. It was too heavy to be lifted, and it was considered that people should have closer access to such a marvelous work of art. It was finally placed in the Piazza Della Signora outside the Palazzo Vehicle. Unlike the earlier sculptures of David by Overreach and Denotable, which showed David standing triumphant over the head of Goliath, the giant he had Just slain, Michelangelo portrays David with a slingshot and stone.He appears tense more in a mental than a physical sense, but not alarmed, and seems prepared for battle. His sling is small and not too emphasized, showing that the victory was not so much due to physical prowess as due to faith in oneself and desire to do the right thing. Michelangelo has depicted David at the moment when he showed the most courage-when he took up the challenge to fight Goliath. This decision was a crucial one, and reflected much more of his character than the moment when he finally killed Goliath.Michelangelo shows David not as the victor, but at the point in time when he prefigured victory-the moment between conscious choice and conscious action, when he made the choice to fight Goliath to protect his people, even though he had no armor and got ready with Just a slingshot and five smooth stones. For the people of Florence, for whom freedom had been newly found ND was under threat, the statue seemed to reflect the courage and determination of the brave who are determined to keep their city safe. The figure is menacing, but this is not fuelled by aggression. There is no tension in the arms or legs.The statue is of a young but mature man with the knotted muscles of an athlete, a huge rib cage and a confident stance. It seems to be keeping watch over the city. A million visitors gather till today to see this awe-inspiring piece of work, but it was originally built with the political message of David ready to take on Goliath, symbolizing that the people of Florence were ready to face any challenge to keep their freedom. The statue's warning eyes were turned towards Rome, hoping to keep invaders at bay. The statue provides almost life-like details of the human body even though human anatomy was forbidden during this time.Michelangelo was constrained by the second-hand marble he was using, but managed to carve a slim youth with a muscular built. Hush knowledge of the human form has recorded perfectly the shepherd lad with the strap of the slingshot across his back. However, on viewing the statue closely, it appears that the upper body is larger in proportion to the lower body. However, as Lois Fischer-Rather says in her book Understanding Art, â€Å"No longer does the figure remain still in a Classical contractors stance, but rather extends into the surrounding space away from a vertical axis.This movement outward from a central core forces the viewer to take into account both the form and the space between and surrounding the forms?in order to appreciate the complete composition. † The hands also appear to be large in proportion to the body. The disproportion could probably have been due to the fact that Michelangelo had carved the statue keeping in mind hat it was to be kept on the top of a cathedral. It could also be that the hands were purposely made too large to depict that man is naturally a violent and greedy creature.When one walks around the statue of David, he would find the appearance changing dramatically. The right hand side of the statue appears calm and composed, but the left hand side is dramatically different. It is dynamic and active, as is evident from the posture of the stretched leg all the way to the disheveled hair. It could be that Michelangelo made the body parts disproportionate to achieve this effect. The eyes too vary grea tly. From any given position, only one of his eyes are visible at one time.When one approaches the statue from the left, the left eye appears to be staring at a point behind and above the viewer, as if focusing on Goliath. From this position, the right eye appears to be hidden behind the sling and is hence not visible. On approaching from the right side, the right eye is visible while the left eye disappears. David would have thrown the stone towards his left, hence the left eye moves in the direction of the body intended move. The right eye, when embodied with the rest of the body, reflects power, cunning and intelligence.The statue of David was moved from Piazza Della Signora to Galleria dialectical in 1873 to protect it from decay and keep it safe. A replica of the original was placed in Piazza Della Signora. The Renaissance was the rebirth of man's life on earth, when he was free from the shackles of authority and free to understand the universe. Michelangelo David is the best e xpression of this sense of life. David appeals to us so much as it is Michelangelo projection of man at his very best-vigorous, healthy, dutiful, rational and competent form.It expresses a heroic view of man and a universal appeal to his success. Today, when man is again viewed by intellectuals as an ugly, corrupt being, trapped in an incomprehensible universe and lacking control over his own destiny, man is no longer viewed as a serious subject for art. But this magnificent sculpture of the bygone years instills in us a sense of faith, hope and glory, and above all leads us to believe again that one man can indeed make a difference, and man can control not only his destiny, but also that of his clan.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Romeo & Juliet Alternate Scene

Creative Writing Project Scene Writing BY: Timothy Stevenson Romeo has just arrived in Mantua after being banished permanently by the Prince because of the death of Tybalt. Tybalt was slain as revenge for the murder of his cousin Mercutio, who Tybalt killed earlier. The earlier events of the play included Romeo falling in love at first sight and Juliet reciprocating his love. The two cannot got public which such love, as they are from rivaling houses that hate each other dearly. Romeo is extremely depressed. CHARACTERS Romeo Montague- son of Sir and Lady Montague, falls in love with Juliet and is banished for the murder of Tybalt Mercellio- lesser known servant of Romeo, seeks him out to give him information Rosaline- unseen character in the first 2 Acts makes her first, verbal appearance MANTUA – DAY Romeo has just settled in Mantua after his night with Juliet, and is sitting on a bench outside of a park, depressed. A bird lands next to him and he studies it. Romeo Fair bird, thou not wary of me? Thou not know who I am? I am Romeo, murderer of kin and Verona exile! I’m a cruel murderer and I long for my own destruction. As the pearl of light has been stripped from me because of these fatal events, you bird should not be around me. You may be slain as well! You’ve ne’er experienced the destruction that occurs around me. Everything beautiful is stripped and dies slowly in my presence like I am intertwined with the eerie death that takes everything wondrous away and makes everything sad. To be near me is to be near everything evil and undesirable. Fallen Tybalt, my kin, eliminated because of the end of the story of great Mercucio. To exact revenge was to be stripped of the illustrious Juliet. Fear me, bird. Fear my very presence. The bird pecks him on the hand and it begins to bleed. The bird flies away while Romeo stares at the wound the bird has caused. Romeo Thank you bird! I deserve it and more. To walk into war without a weapon to be slain of such heart gripping pain! How about the apothecary gives me 20 gallons of their finest poison, sweet poison that I can engorge myself to be stripped of my love and the light of this cold world. The world is a dark void without her glow to illuminate even the darkest of caverns. The blackest kettle would be turned white by her presence. Her gleam’s name is Juliet, oh full Juliet, your beauty encompasses everything and more. And as fate plays such a cruel game, your shameless game†¦show your face! Show it so that I can slay you most beautifully! The banishment from sweet Verona is most undesirable. I’d appreciate the sweet vengeance of death than the nagging fault of banishment. To know that admirable Juliet is sealed behind the walls of Verona away from me without me able to anything about it†¦is agony. This is true agony of a tireless heart. Romeo interrupts briefly to look at the cloudy sky. Enter Mercellio, servant of Romeo] Mercellio Romeo, oh fair Romeo! I have most remarkable news! News that’ll alleviate your gloom! Your mood of Juliet has made you an evil character, made you feel less than a man shall ever feel and you continue to drown yourself face first into the waters of sorrow. Art thou is Romeo! Romeo must not tirelessly wane and moan and cry to skies that aren’t li stening†¦ ROMEO To alleviate anything means that you must mean death! Nothing can revive me from the mood that I’m in. Nothing can wash the pain of not seeing sweet Juliet ever again†¦nothing foolish servant! What simple boast do you plan to tell me? The only news of Juliet with me will bring me happiest, imprudent one. That’s an impossible task that not even the bravest of men can succeed in. To fall in love and to be stripped of it so cleanly is the inferior destiny of my dismal life. Life is nothing without her. News means nil unless it’s new of my return to Verona. I imagine killing myself just so I wouldn’t have to deal with such crushing pain and now as I drown in it I cannot cut my ties to this world as to cut my ties would end with truly never being with her again. MERcellio You cannot continue life like this forever, brave Romeo. To let this consume you is to give up life itself and starve for the affections of a single woman is absolutely ludicrous. You cannot continue like this sir. ROMEO You know nothing of the pain I’m feeling. You could never experience something so agonizing as such; to hinder the ability of sleep is the pain I’m feeling. Worse than the death of the most important thing to you is the realization that you can never be with the one that means the most to you. You are a complete fool to call me ludicrous†¦ludicrous! Thou is ludicrous for not being able to experience this with me, ludicrous for thinking I can just let such emotions waver. The attempt of capturing Juliet and simply vanishing from all eyes keeps me here, keep me from revealing my sheathed sword and slaying you with your foolish words. MERCELLIO Slaying me because of a female is absolutely ludicrous! I have known you for quite some time, good Romeo and you again and again looked for women to reciprocate your love to and asked for the hearts of many women, only to see your heart wrung mercilessly by such. You find this lifestyle un and continue, hoping to find such a woman to return it to you! Because young Juliet arrival of emotion upon you is enough to lay in distraught, thinking about what could and could not have been. Is life that closed of a circle, dear Romeo? ROMEO What is life with a Juliet? There is no life to think of without such a creature, unrealistic until I found her waiting for me in the chains of the Capulet’ s. Why have you ventured out for me, dim Mercellio? What have you to tell me? MERCELLIO Ah, yes! To argue with you is to forget my true intentions of seeking you out. To find you to reveal to you news that may be pleasing to ones ear, though ones mood may completely destroy it as another beautiful beacon searches for Romeo to talk†¦ Romeo interrupts Marcellio in mid-speech, effective cutting him off. ROMEO What woman do you speak of, servant? What is she called? Where is her place of? Lastly, if she isn’t Juliet, I do not desire this information in the least bit. No woman can compare to the excruciating emotion that will overcome me when I see her fairness once again. Oh, Juliet. MERCELLIO This girl isn’t the much desired Juliet you long for†¦ ROMEO Then what need do I need such information. Go, Mercellio before you regret coming as your life will be stripped from you with my blade. MERCELLIO Please, kind Romeo. This woman states that she knows you and she’s waiting for you†¦she was timid in meeting you again but she longs to meet you once again. She has nagged to me in the journey how she longs for you once again and is ready to begin with you†¦ romeo Who Marcellio? Speak before I slay you with my sword. This is the last time I will say such a thing before I do it! Your very next word shall be her name! Romeo quickly stands up and unsheathes his sword. Mercellio quickly leaps to his feet. MARCELLIO Rosaline! Sweet Rosaline has longed to see you again! Romeo drops his sword in shock at Mercellio’s words. ROMEO Astonishing Rosaline? Where art thou? [Enter Rosaline, sullen] Rosaline Romeo, oh Romeo. My heart aches for your sun. You evaded and left your efforts with me to be with the wondrous Juliet, fair beautiful Juliet and left me distraught. Your attempts at me have been refuted and your eye gazed at a younger beauty. Have you forgotten me Romeo? You no longer desire me, and instead desire youthful Juliet? ROMEO Oh, how fate tests me! Banishment from Verona has caused the most unlikely of meetings! I meet you, here, in the streets of Mantua asking for me! Through me finding love in a beautiful flower races the devil’s cry to change me into nothing! Temptation is at its highest peak than it had ever been and I still find the strength to resist it! You’ve long for me, elegant Rosaline? Ha! How art thou found me? ROSALINE I have longed for you, fair Romeo. I have asked ones, ones that knew of your location, through this I have located you and finally find you in remarkable Mantua. Can you not see how I long for Romeo, my Romeo? The Romeo that has lust for me with the purest of loves? My fair Romeo? ROMEO Your Romeo! Ah, alas you tempt to woe me into submission with your cries of longing? Thou wrote you poems of love and I have gone unnoticed by your beautiful eye! Thank you! For looking for you I found a much better flower, a sweet innocent flower waiting for me, locked waiting for her lover! The loves I’ve harnessed with tight straps have completely drawn my blood blue with pain and suffocation, as you couldn’t see the blue! You couldn’t see anything in those appealing eyes, cold as the fiercest of winters and the snow that assists them! Thou trick with in incantations! ROSALINE You no longer see me as a beautiful sun? The sweet essence which you said you wanted, you breathed, the attention you’ve given, the feelings you’ve told me have now disappeared into the dark halls of time? Instead of greeting me with the passion that you’ve always have, you shun me like a common whore, embarrassing me like some common mistress. You seem to not care that I’m here, asking for my Romeo! ROMEO Why art thou here! ROSALINE I long for my Romeo! The Romeo that made my heart glow with passion and intensity! ROMEO The Romeo you seek is gone, hidden in the shadows, and forever departed. I no longer lust for you Rosaline. You were once a beautiful rose that quickly wilted and the dust has been removed from your vision you want to come to me? I’m lost at sea thirsting for a sweet whiff of Juliet. You have expired like the curds floating atop of milk. MERCELLIO Rosaline has been longing for you a while, good Romeo. Your attempts at you have not gone unnoticed like a wolf’s cry in the woods, but young Rosaline has been tried many times and has seen many failures in her life, aiding in her wary to appeal to you as well. As a troubled soul now she seek me out, throughout the danger to come and see you Romeo. Have you truly no emotion residing inside of you but the emotion of fair Juliet? Thou doesn’t care that Rosaline left Verona to come and meet with you? Thou are truly dark? Sworn to chastity, poor Romeo is depressed an ignorant to see the feelings of one Capulet that defied all in seeing you? ROMEO Thou has not wanted me until thou seen me with Juliet! Thou are selfish in her desire to try and steal me! As her cousin, you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself! ROSALINE I have no such desire! You have desire to still be with I! You still want I! As you refute and deny it, you cannot forget about me as you claim you have! I will never be erased from your mind! ROMEO What did you plan to do, beautiful Rosaline, when you came here? Woe me back into my love for you like a foolish kid who has nothing else to do? Because I will not slip into a fatal trap! I have undying love for Juliet†¦Juliet†¦ ROSELINE I didn’t come to woe you of anything Romeo and as we speak, I myself am risking banishment and exile from Verona and from my kin! I wanted to admit to you†¦ ROMEO Admit what? What is there to admit? You have nothing viable to say! You’re risking everything for nothing! Aren’t you? ROSALINE Risking everything for nothing is not how I felt, dear Romeo. I felt a different way. I felt I had to tell you how I felt, if you long to hear it. [Romeo looks at Rosaline and as he is about to open his mouth, curtain close]

Friday, September 27, 2019

Survey Questionnaire and Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Survey Questionnaire and Plan - Research Paper Example Because of this concern the marketing department in the multinational company has been asked to oversee a survey among the stakeholders in the most affected areas which include the US and the beyond from which a market risk assessment can be made and thereafter decisions made to overcome the challenge. Following this a market survey was enlisted for three countries in which twenty stakeholders (consumers and employees) in each resident company in those countries would be involved from whose responses a qualitative analysis will be done. In this paper we consider the preliminary activities of the survey in which we consider the research questions to be addressed in the survey, the survey hypothesis, the design and the rationale of the survey and the procedures involved in conducting the survey. We shall also consider any tests to be conducted and modifications of the results as may be required, the analysis techniques to be employed and then the expected milestones. Marketing the McDonalds meat product is an important bit of the company because of what the product has to the company. Following several campaigns in the market posting fast foods served at the restaurants as unfit for consumption and other campaigns posting McDonalds Company as working behind a mask, there has developed negative attitude from the customers who are sourced globally (Evenson, 2010). In one of the campaigns it was posted that the company has failed to offer safe meat. The pro-vegetarianism have insisted on the informing the public about the unfitness of meat and meat product consumption. On the other hand the global move towards green meat is impacting on the meat products in the company especially in the times when the world is experiencing cases of zoonotic diseases like flu and mad cow diseases. Given the circumstances the company may not be able to effectively

Proposal memo Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Proposal memo - Research Paper Example The means by which Walmart is engaging with environmental issues, both as a means of boosting its overall image, and as a means of affecting a change with regards to the way that it has traditionally engaged in business It is the hope of this author that by engaging in each of these forms of analysis, the research will be able to provide a clear and definitive understanding of some of the changes that are currently being effected with regards to the way in which the entity in question engages in business and seeks to promote itself and its business model to new clients and into the future. The overall timeframe that the project will analyze will be within the past 4 years; also reflected in the up to date nature of the data sources which have been utilized the inform this piece (presented below). With your approval, this project will continue and seek to leverage the resources that have been provided in the appendix as a working bibliography/reference list as a means of drawing a further level of analysis upon the subject matter that has thus far been introduced and briefly discussed. Goetz, S. J., Rupasingha, A., & Loveridge, S. (2012). Social Capital, Religion, Wal-Mart, and Hate Groups in America*. Social Science Quarterly (Wiley-Blackwell), 93(2), 379-393. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6237.2012.00854.x Matusitz, J., & Lord, L. (2013). Glocalization or Grobalization of Wal-Mart in the US? A Qualitative Analysis. Journal Of Organisational Transformation & Social Change, 10(1), 81-100.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Abu-Dhabi City Using GIS Techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Abu-Dhabi City Using GIS Techniques - Essay Example While agencies are conventionally linked with catching the criminals after the crime, they are also tasked with preventing crimes before they happen (Dressler, 2002). To do this, Police not only take active measures but also use intelligence gathering and data to develop strategies. Traditionally, resources have always been limited and impeccably utilizing this data has been questioned. Collecting actual information from different sources is the prime responsibility of any intelligence organization. Although different tools of technical devices are in operation in gathering information, to me, these are inadequate and as a consequence, we are not able to pre-empt the impending danger of criminal activities. Main issues posing hurdles in identifying the ensuing possibility of any danger lies in (a) effective information sources (b) coordination (c) timely actionable information/intelligence (d) quick decision makers, etc. The only effective way to combat criminal activities is the ado ption of high-end Technologies. This would definitely act as force multipliers; improve in decision-making not only in police organizations but also in other government agencies. One solution to this is the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for crime analysis (Chainey and Ratcliffe, 2005). A Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a blend of computer technologies that incorporate huge databases of spatial data and provides a display and query interface for constructing and analyzing spatial relationships. GIS utilizes both geography and computer-generated maps as an interface for incorporating and assessing huge amounts of location-based information.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Are School Uniforms a Good Way to Improve Student Discipline and Essay

Are School Uniforms a Good Way to Improve Student Discipline and Motivation - Essay Example The proponents of school uniforms have clearly stated why these uniforms should be worn. Endersby (2009) discusses several of the key points. School uniforms promote a sense of school pride as well as all around school ethics. Uniforms can act as a social leveler, making students feel more equal to each other because they are all wearing the same clothing. School uniforms will typically make a student more recognizable outside of school. Proponents claim this will encourage the student to act more appropriately as they are representing the school. Workplaces often have a dress code and students who already wear school uniforms will be more prepared to carry it on into a work environment. A strict dress code or school uniform will keep students focused and make sure they are appropriately dressed while at school. Endersby (2009) also discussed the cons of having school uniforms. The main concern seems to be that the uniforms take away from the student’s individualism and freedo m of expression. This seems to promote a much more teacher centered philosophy, rather than a student centered one. Many schools still maintain high academic standards without instituting a school uniform policy. It has been pointed out by proponents that school uniforms would be more cost effective. However, some parents have felt the uniforms are just as expensive, if not more expensive than normal clothes. Opponents also say bullying in school will still occur regardless of school uniforms. Children will always find ways to judge each other. In fact, the uniforms could cause fights in situations of rival schools. If a group of children from one school spots the uniforms on the children of their rival school a fight may break out between the two groups. This would not necessarily occur if the children were wearing non-identifiable clothing. As for the workplace, there has been no evidence to suggest that students who haven’t worn school uniforms will struggle with a dress c ode once they begin working. Finally, Opponents feel school uniforms can sometimes be inappropriate during the various seasons throughout the year. The clothing is either too cold in winter or too warm in summer. One of the biggest complaints is requiring girls to wear skirts in the winter time, especially in colder climates. Does it make sense to endanger a child just to make sure the children are all wearing the same thing? Motsinger (2007) found that parents against school uniforms felt very strongly about their opinions. The parents were protesting, feeling that their child’s rights had been violated. The parents also felt the government was interfering with them raising their children the way they wanted to. The parents wanted to know what happened to their right to a free public education. No large scale studies could be found to prove what the proponents of school uniforms are claiming. Their main source of research has derived from anecdotes of parents, and school off icials. Brunsma and Rockquemore (1998) conducted a longitudinal study to find out what effect school uniforms were having regarding attendance, behavior problems, substance use and academic achievement. Around this time, Long Beach Unified School District was gaining national attention for their claims that after instituting a school uniform policy their school had improved on all aspects. From the claims school officials made it seemed the school uniform itself was solely responsible for changing the school for the better. Brunsma

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Financial control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Financial control - Essay Example These standards can at best be called current standards, as they have taken into account only the current four months conditions only. Sales activities have been started with a level 500 unit of product for first two months, which rose by 100 units of products in next two in each month. Accordingly the level of activity is assumed to be rising at the rate of 100 units of product after every two months performance. Thus level of activity is currently set at production rate increasing by 100 units after every two months till the activity reaches the optimum level of the use of total capacity over a period of time, say between one to two years. Being variable in nature, the cost per unit of the product has been set $ 30.This is based on the fact that products consumes one hour of labour time for producing one unit of product. As the wages rate for the type of production labour involved is $ 30 per, the current direct labour cost standard is set at $30 per unit of product. Salary of administrative staff has been found to be costing at the rate $10 per unit of product. General expenses after apportioning on basis of total production during a period of one month have found to be costing $8 per unit of the product. Depreciation being treated as fixed overhead has been calculated on basis of ‘units of production’ over the useful life of assets involved. This has given a result of $2 per unit of product and thus that is the standard set for the current period. The gross margin (i.e. contribution) has given a performance of 60% during the first four months of the performance. It appears to be a little very optimistic. As the production capacity has not been settled up to an optimum level, there will be major fluctuations in the gross margin or contribution till it finally settles at its normal level at the optimum level of production. A full year of performance may put a proper light in this respect. The

Monday, September 23, 2019

Consumer Credit Act 2006 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Consumer Credit Act 2006 - Essay Example The Office of Fair Trading has been given powers of superintendence over the activities and licensing of the lenders and others involved in allied activities. The lenders have also been given the relief of approaching the court for enforcing improperly executed agreement without procedural formalities having been complied with. Overall the Consumer Credit Act 2006 is a fair measure to both parties concerned and in no way appears to give consumers any undue advantage over the creditors. Consumer Credit Act 2006 is an amendment act of Consumer Credit Act of 1974 having a long history. The amendment was necessitated to provide for certain reforms in consumer credits and consumer hire agreement along with exemptions. Besides, it seeks licensing of all the related activities, empowering debtors to act against unfair relationship with the creditors and creation of an Ombudsman scheme to reddressal for complaints under the 1974 Act as amended up to date. This paper seeks to enquire whether the amendment act of 2006 is going too far to protect the consumers against the creditors and suppliers. Hence principles of Consumer Credit Act 2006 will be examined and whether the act gives too much leverage to the consumers who are the debtors to the detriment of creditors and suppliers. Literature review is a part of methodology of qualitative research. ... Hence principles of Consumer Credit Act 2006 will be examined and whether the act gives too much leverage to the consumers who are the debtors to the detriment of creditors and suppliers. Chapter 2 .Literature Review Literature review is a part of methodology of qualitative research. It forms the secondary data required for the research. The aim of the present study will be largely facilitated by review of literature on the subject chosen for the research; that is whether consumer credit act of 2006 has gone too far in pampering the consumers/debtors with too many privileges to the disadvantage of the suppliers/creditors. Background Expananotory note to the act of 2006 state that Government mooted in 2001 review of the 1974 Act through consultations with the interested parties on the impact of the then existing rules regarding information disclosure, premature settlement, unfair credit transactions, licensing of consumer credit agencies, financial limits beyond the coverage of 1974 Act and consumer reddressal mechanism. Following this, a white paper was published in December 2003 captioned "Fair, Clear and Competitive - The Consumer Credit Market in the 21st Century". At the time Government had been seized of the problem of over-indebtedness and trying to find solution to it by consultations with the industry, representatives of the consumers and advisers, as a sequel to which Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and Department for Work and Pensions jointly brought out paper entitled "Tackling Over-Indebtedness- Action Plan 2004". The major issues encompassed by the 2006 Act are 1) how consumer credit agreemen ts and consumer hire

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Animal Farm Essay Example for Free

Animal Farm Essay In the movie, I began to see examples of collectivism and individualism. For instance, in collectivism the group comes before the individual. The â€Å"experts† do all the thinking for the people. Which in this case, the pigs, Napoleon and snowball were the experts. They made the rules that the farm animals had to abide: all animals were equal, no animal shall be killed by another, no sleeping on beds or drinking alcohol ect. As the revolution went on, the animals helped one another,like we as people do in the everyday world. Napoleon soon felt as if snowball was getting in the way of his dictatorship and had him killed. Napoleon now became the leader, and even spread the word to other farms so other pigs could start the same revolution. The weaker animals were sacrificed the laws that were set soon changed, the farm animals became more and more like slaves , they ate less, worked dawn to dusk and no longer were equal. The law now was some animals were equal but some more than others. While the farm animals did all the hard work, the pigs got to sit back, relax and eat all the food for themselves. With that said, Collectivism is a lot like communism, the pigs had control of the farm animals, made the laws, even everything the farm animals made soon belonged to the pigs. It’s like how the world is today, part of the hard earned money and things we make go to the government. The government and the corporations are the pigs. On the individualistic side of things, in individualism the individual comes before the group. They only worry about their family and close friends. Towards the end of the movie, the horse was sold off and later killed, because he was no more use for the pigs. The donkey who is a close friend to the horse took that as a final straw and recognized what the pigs were really doing. Compared to individualism they fought with what they believed in. That no individual should work for pigs like them. That’s how it is with humans we fight with what me believe in.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Laryngeal Mask Airway Placement Methods in Pediatric Care

Laryngeal Mask Airway Placement Methods in Pediatric Care Laryngeal Mask Airway Placement: Comparison Between a Traditional and Alternative Methods in Pediatric Practice ============================================================ Emil Batarseh , MD , JBA* Zahi Majali , MD , JBA Basel D.Makhamreh , MD , JBA Abstract Objective To compare the quality of laryngeal mask airway placement between an alternative and a traditional methods in children. Methods Our prospective ,double-blind investigation enrolled 105 children subjects , aged 3months-15 years,of both genders,ASA I(American society of anesthesiologists), and assigned for different elective minor superficial operations under general halothane inhalational spontaneous laryngeal mask airway anesthesia at Princess Haya hospital-Aqaba-Jordan,during the period July 2007-July 2008. Subjects were randomized into two groups.Group I subjects (n=50) received laryngeal mask airway (LMA) through an alternative method,and group II subjects (n=55) received laryngeal mask airway via the traditional method. The number of placement attempts and duration required for success to attain a patent airway in both groups were recorded. Results Placement method made no difference in terems of first trial success (P>0.05).First trial successful placement was 85.5% and 90% in groups II and I respectively. Conclusion The alternative placement method is an acceptable solution to the traditional method. Key words:Anesthesia:general,spontaneous;LMA:traditional,alternative;children. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *Corresponding author: Department of anesthesia , intensive care and pain management , KHMC , AMMAN , JORDAN. E-mail: [emailprotected] 1 Introduction Use of laryngeasl mask airway permits the maintenance of a patent airway with successful insertion rates of the LMA on the first attempt , varying between 67-92% in pediatric practice (1).Since its introduction in 1983 by Brain,the LMA has achieved increasing popularity (2). The laryngeal mask airway has achieved a great popularity also in pediatric anesthesia practice.The laryngeal mask airway is a novel device that fills the gap in airway management between endotracheal intubatio and the use of face mask.The laryngeal mask airway is inserted blindly into the pharynx,forming a low pressure seal aroud the laryngeal inlet. Because the insertion of the laryngeal mask airway by the standard technique is not always easy in children due to the posterior pharyngeal curvature,some different maneuvers have been described to minimize this problem(3):Innserting the LMA laterally,applying the mask firmly against the hard palate,pulling the tongue forward,repositioning the head,adding or removing air to the cuff,applying continuous positive airway pressure,usig a laryngoscope and inserting the LMA like a Guedel oropharyngeal airway. The ability to maintain a patent airway and provide effective ventilation is the main objective of pediatric anesthesiological procedures.This is achieved mainly with the use of a face mask or an endotracheal tube.Both of these devices have major limitations from a strictly anatomical point of view and require adequate operator skills.The aim of LMA was of producing an airway device that would be more practical than the face mask and less invasive than the tracheal tubes.The functional ehegance of the LMA is that it forms a low pressure airtight seal against the glottis rather than plugging the pharynx,thus combining ease of insertion and adequaqte airway patency (4). Airway management is more successful with LMA technique.This is because transoral passage of instrumentation into the hypopharynx is easier than into the glottic inlet.There are four reasons:Firstly,the hypopharynx is a posterior structure and is easier to locate.Secondly,it is wider providing a bigger target.Thirdly,it is funnel-rather than tubular –shaped ,so that imprecisely positioned instrumentation will be redirected to the target and fourthly,it is better aligned with the oropharyngeal axis,making instrumentation less likely to get snagged (3). The objective of our invewstigation was to asses the effectiveness of the modified procedure in comparison to the standard procedure regarding LMA insertion. 2 Methods Our prospective,double blind investigation included 105 children patients,aged 3months-15 years,ASA I,of both sexes and scheduled for various elective minor superficial surgical procedures under general halothane inhalational spontaneous laryngeal mask airway anesthesia at Princess Haya hospital-Aqaba-Jordan,during the period July 2007-July2008,after obtaining approval from the local ethics committee of the Jordanian royal medical service directorate and written informed consent from the parents..Subjects were randomly divided into two groups using sealed envelopes.Group I children (n=50) received LMA using the modified method and group II children (n=55) received LMA via the standard method.The size of the LMA used was indicated using the patients body weight;size 1,1.5,2,2.5 ad 3 masks for 30 kgof body w2eight ,respectively. The LMA was lubricated with saline before insertion.Induction of inhalational anesthesia was performed with 3-5%halothane mixed with70% nitrous oxidein 30%oxygen.Before insertion of the LMA ,anesthesia was maintained using 2-3%halothanne in oxygen.No muscle relaxants were used.An anesthesia technician opened the patients mouth by pulling down the jaw.Intravenous cannulation was done after child is anesthetized,if The standard insertion procedure was illustrated by Brain(5).The LMA was inserted with the cuff fully deflated and against the palate,then the cuff was inflated after insertion.In the modified insertion procedure,a two-thirds moderately inflated LMA (using 2,4,6,8 and 12 ml air for size 1,1.5,2,2.5 and 3 masks respectively) was inserted with its lumen facing laterally left.While rotated clockwise 90 D,it was passed downward into position behind the larynx.Then the cuff was fully inflated.Successful insertion was clinically called for if manual ventilation with the reservoir bag was easy and the chest wall movement was smooth. The number of trials on LMA onnsertion and the duration to achieve good airway were recorded.Vital signs including heart rate and pulse oximeter readings were recorded.In case of failed LMA insertion,endotracheal intubation was achieved.An observer blinded to the insertion procedure evaluated the two procedures. Statistics Parametric data were analyzed using Students t test.P-value 3 Results There were no significant differences in terms of gender,age,weight,duration of anesthesia and size of the LMA.Table 1.Overall study group was 110 children patients,but 5 were excluded from the investigation ,who were ASA II and III physical status classified. Successful insertion was attained in 85.5% of subjects in group II and in 90% of patients in group I,at first trial.The two groups were comparable regarding the successful insertion rate,the number of trials at insertion(Second trial;GII,4 and GI,3.P>0.05.Third trial;GII,3 and GI,2,P>0.05) and the duration required for insertion (GII,0.4 minutes and GI,0.37 minutes,P>0.05). Endotracheal intubation was achieved in 1 case in GII and in no case in GI,P>0.05.In the present study,the LMA standard approach success rate was 85.5% at first trial ,increasing to 92.7% at second trial and 98.2% at third trial.In the modified approach,the success rate was 90% at first trial but was 96% at second trial and 100% at third trial. 4 Table 1. Patients characteristics. 5 Table 2. LMA insertion comparison. 6 Discussion The LMA has become popular in pediatric aesthesia practice.Nagai S,et al showed the potency of the modifiedmethod of LMA insertion (6).LMA advantages over conventional laryngoscope guided tracheal intubation are more rapid insertion and increased success rate.The modified method can be used in this investigation as an alternative procedure to the standard method of insertion.Brimacombe and Berry (7) stated that if the standard approach is used correctly,the first time success rate should be >98% in less than 20 seconds. Wakeling et al(8) demonstrated that deflating the cuff first would allow more difficult insertion due to the presentation of a softer edge to the posterior pharyngeal wall.Lopez-Gil,et al(9) used a lubricant ,whereas we moistened the LMA with saline only.He demonstrated that there was a rapid improvement in LMA skills in pediatric anesthesia practice when the standard technique was used.Gaining more experience may decrease the rate of unsuccessful insertion.Airway trauma was less frequent with the LMA than with ETI.This is not surprising as more force is required to see the glottic inlet than the hypopharynx.Perhaps the pharyngeal/esophageal mucosa is stronger than the laryngeal/tracheal mucosa as it has evolved to accommodate solid bodies and not just passaqge of gas. This modified technique I which a two –thirds inflated LMA is inserted with its lumen facing laterally forces the patients mouth to open wider and keeps the tongue from being pushed back into the air passage.These technical features result in easy insertion through the pharynx for inexperienced anesthesiologists.In addition,the softer edge of the partially inflated LMA protects the pharyngeal mucosae from trauma during insertion.Causes of difficulty with LMA onsertion include choice of wrong LMA size and difficulty in maneuvering through the posterior curvature of the pharynx (10).Differences in the airway anatomy and the frequent presence of tonsillar hypertrophy can complicate LMA insertion in children.Maneuvers to overcome this difficulty include increased head extension,jaw thrust maneuvers puuling the tongue forward,firm pressure on the LMA and using the index finger to guide the mask(10). Oneil et al (11) have reported an alternative method of insertion with the LMA partially inflated in children.They described improved ease of insertion and explained that the softness of the inflated cuff allows for easier adaptation to the differing pharyngeal characteristics of the pediatric airway. Nevertheless,Braincompared insertion techniques concerning the mechanisms of deglutition and recommended the standard technique. Although both methods of insertion were satisfactory,partial inflation of the LMA improved the ease of insertion in children as assessed by time to insertion and success rate on the first attempt.Inflation of the cuff at the smaller sized LMA after insertion often displaces the LMA and alters its position while the inflated LMA tends to insert to the proper depth and requires no further adjustment.In the standard technique,however,insertion of the LMA is not always easy.Therefore,it is reasonable that anesthesiologists devise other insertion techniques.We believe that this technique is to be recommended in certain situations. 7 Trevisanuto et al (12) found that the occurrence of first time failure decreased overtime in their study and they thought that the change represented an element of familiarization with the LMA insertion technique.The relatively small but statistically significant difference is meaningful,sice problems associated with insertion can be attributed to inadequate depth of anesthesia which may occur with prolonged placement.Our 1.8% incidence of problems that resulted in abandonment of the LMA is comparable to that reported in similar study evaluating uses of the LMA in pediatric practice(1). In Conclusion This modified techniqueia an acceptable alternativeto the standard technique I children.Thie techniqueis likelyto allow easy insertion of the LMA for unskilled anesthesiologists.Insertion of the LMA with the cuff inflated is equallysuccessfulto the standard uninflated techiquein experienced anesthesiologists.This implies that the modified inflated approach would be accepted to the general population of LMA users. 8 References 1.Shahin NJ , Mehtab A , Hammad U , et al. A study of the use of laryngeal mask airway (LMA) in children and its comparison with endotracheal intubation.Indian journal of anaesthesia 2009;53(2):174-8. 2.Pennant JH , White PF. The laryngeal mask airway.Its uses in anesthesiology. Anesthesiology 1993;79:144-63. 3.Benumof JL. Laryngeal mask airway.Indications and contraindications.Anesthesiology 1992;77(5):843-6. 4.Ghai B , Wig J . Comparison of different techniques oh laryngeal mask placement in children. 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